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Sunday, December 6, 2009

My First One - Jingle and Blog!

So, this is the thing. I write. It's what I like, it's what heals me. Mostly, I like to write fun stuff, and sometimes - there is a little bit of serious that straggles in. But this struck me in a moment of fun. Have you tried a Fiber One muffin? Seriously. They are amazing. Who would have ever thought that such a tasty and healthy breakfast treat shared the same space as we? I never imagined, until, in a rush to make it to work, I nabbed one out of the freezer as I bolted out the door (yes, they live in the freezer case at your local grocer --you can only hope, anyway).

Has a breakfast pastry (or something equally as weird) ever inspired you? Maybe not, but it inspired me. So I wrote a poem about my muffin. Ahem...

Dear Fiber One Muffin,

How do I love thee?

Let me count the ways.

Your fluffy insides make you fun to chew,

Your chocolate minis scream, "I love you",

The delectible banana flavor, oh how I savor.

Sweet Fiber One muffin, your virtues so true,

Never forget how much I love you.

So there it is. My first sorta jingle. Since then, I have written one about Starbuck's Chai Latte with Soy. I'm not that excited though, I bet there are loads of others who adore those drinks as I do.

I'm on a roll. I think I'll post the chai poem later. Who knows what I might be inspired by between now and then. I am making a meatloaf downstairs...maybe I'll come up with something for that. It's a vast land out there.

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